The Royal Oreo

Did you ever wonder how an Oreo commercial would look like if Wes Anderson will be the director behind the camera?

Well, this is your lucky day. No more sleepless nights while you imagine the best or the worst, wondering how much of a cliché the commercial could be. No more imagining hipsters wearing colorful sweaters with geometric patterns and stupid mustaches.

What can we say? This new spot foe mini Oreos by The Martin Agency is all we had hoped for and much more.

#STANDUPWORLDCUP - it's all about winning or losing

Usually, when we present a commercial we tend to write a few words about it. This is not the case. This time we are going to make an exception, and let this video speak for itself. The only thing we are going to say, is that this spot gave us Goosebumps the no other spot has in the past

Playing with dildos

Kids will play with everything. That's the way life works. When we are young, all we know is how to play, and we do it as best as we can. The branch we find in the middle of the street turns into a light saber, the bed sheets turns to superman's cape, and a small puddle in the back yard is an ocean, waiting for us to cross it in our ship made of leaves.

This is exactly what stands in the base of the new campaign by evolve, a group dedicated to change gun owners behavior. "If the find it, they'll play with it", is the slogan narrated at the end of this brilliant spot, showing the consequences of not locking away things you don't want your kids to put their hand on.

Turning the lights on for Toyota

Here is a great colorful promotion stunt Toyota performed in Australia. The stunt took place during VIVID Sydney, a yearly festival of lights and multimedia, where the people of Toyota celebrated their brand by placing a cool installation consisting of interactive light show integrating with their cars.

In this installation, the visitors of the festival were invited to communicate with cars, embrace them and have real emotional interaction with them.

This brilliant stunt is the collaboration work of Toyota with Soap Creative, Sydney

Yaocho are cleaning the streets of Tokyo

When was the last time you drank so much you had to stop everything and just take a nap in the middle of the street? Never? You don't say! Maybe you were so passed out you don't remember? or perhaps you are not Japanese.

it seems it is quite common to see respectful men sleeping in the middle of the streets of Tokyo, after drinking too much. Way too much.

A Japanese bar chain named Yaocho, with the help of Ogilvy & Mather Tokyo, has decided to fight this nasty habit.

In order to do so, they used the oldest weapon in the world- shame.

In a guerilla campaign executed in the streets of Tokyo, they detected sleeping drunken men and turned them to a living billboard against overdrinking. Imagine how they felt the next day when they found their photos all over the net.

Can't say we liked this campaign. It had left somewhat of a bullying kind of feeling. Then again, we had never felt the urge to sleep in the middle of a Japanese street.

Drinking time

You are sitting in your office, trying to solve whatever crisis happened this morning, jumping from one phone call to another, answering Emails, focusing on your work and not letting any interference ruin your concentration.

Now stop working for a few seconds and try to think- when was the last time you had a drink of water?

As you have probably guessed, you are not the first, and by far the last, to forget to drink while working. Somehow, while concentrating on our tasks, we tend to forget one of the most important things.

in order to solve this problem, Ogilvy Paris and Vittel - a French mineral water brand, has developed this brilliant cap that reminds you to have a drink every hour.