Yaocho are cleaning the streets of Tokyo

When was the last time you drank so much you had to stop everything and just take a nap in the middle of the street? Never? You don't say! Maybe you were so passed out you don't remember? or perhaps you are not Japanese.

it seems it is quite common to see respectful men sleeping in the middle of the streets of Tokyo, after drinking too much. Way too much.

A Japanese bar chain named Yaocho, with the help of Ogilvy & Mather Tokyo, has decided to fight this nasty habit.

In order to do so, they used the oldest weapon in the world- shame.

In a guerilla campaign executed in the streets of Tokyo, they detected sleeping drunken men and turned them to a living billboard against overdrinking. Imagine how they felt the next day when they found their photos all over the net.

Can't say we liked this campaign. It had left somewhat of a bullying kind of feeling. Then again, we had never felt the urge to sleep in the middle of a Japanese street.

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