The alienated Parenthood by Apple

How the hell did our parents managed to raise us without all the technology surrounding us today? How did they get to be there in our special moments? How did they help us to get ready for our finals exams? How did they read us a bedtime story?

Well, the answer to that is divided to two:

In some cases they did it easily

In other cases, they didn't

They didn't have the technology to work on our math while they were in a business trip to Hong Kong. In the other hand, they didn't go on so many business trips to Hong Kong, didn't they?

They didn't measure their heartbeat when they ran with us. No, they just ran with us.

And they did read us a bedtime story from an actual book. You know, the old school kind, the one that comes with papers.

Apple knows how to make beautiful commercial that touches your heart and make you go "ahhhh" the same way you do when you see a cute puppy. But the reality they try to sell us is an alienated one, A reality that divide us from our loved ones with a multi-touch screen and a designed cover.

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