Budweiser's celebrate of football or something

Ok, I saw a commercial or two in my life, and I think I understand the medium as much as any other, but the only thing crossed my mind as I saw Budweiser's newest FIFA World Cup commercial was WTF??

Yes, it is a beautifully photographed and edited video` yes, it can get one in the mood of football celebration` yes, it shows the beer bottle it tries to promote from various angles.

No, we didn't get it.

What, in the name of God, is the copy of this commercial? What is the story, why did this guy kicking a ball from a rooftop? What happens next? Why did I see this video? How is it supposed to get me into buying Budweiser? What the hell is this rooster doing there?

So many unanswered questions

BTW, here is part one of this campaign

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