Beautifull 3D kitchen hides in a newspaper ad

Seeing a new and surprising innovative print ad in a newspaper is something that doesn't happen every day. Yes, you can say that the print is dead, and that nobody is reading the newspapers this days, and that if it is not flashing and kicking the viewers head, there is no way he will pay attention to your ad, because of all the noise around his nose.

Well, we've got some news for you. As it seems, people are reading papers as ever. Yes, you are right, many read the news on their Ipads and tablets and so, but the real live paper is not dead. Yet.

So, as long as there are newspapers, and as long as people read them, we are happy to see hoe advertising agencies compose new ways to use the media in creative ways.

Here is beautifully executed 3D ad for a kitchen, hidden within home searching ads in a Colombian newspaper.

Translate: The Kitchen you are imagining is in HiperCentro Corona.

This brilliant work was copywrited by Felipe Salazar, SANCHO BBDO Creative Director.

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