We pity the fool - April Fools' Day special

Don't you just LOVE April Fools' Day? Isn't it perfect that we have one day a year that it is ok to hoax people down, to pull pranks on everyone without thinking on the consequences? Well, no. We think April Fools' Day is a stupid day, and if you are older than 12, you have no business pranking your friend. Unless, of course, if you are working for Google.

It seems that in the past few years, the bigger brands around the world developed a tradition of hoaxing their customers at April Fools' Day. Big surprise there, as the biggest PR trend in the past two years or so is Prankvertising. So, if they are pranking us on a regular day, no surprise the advertisers doubles their effort at April 1st.

The first that comes to our mind is Google. The Company was one of the first to adopt the trend with their yearly April's fools' prank. Actually, for a few days many people thought Gmail was a hoax, because it was announced at April 1st. this year, the brand came up with a great improvement to it's online translating service, that can now translate words to Emoji.

Well, great Google, you had your fun, now let some other brands play. Brands like Honda, which decided this year would be a great opportunity to communicate with the slow movement, and let people build their own cars' with their own hands, at their own time.

Yes, Ikea, you are no longer alone at the field of shipping long flat boxes to houses around the world, causing grown men to weep in frustration. If you ever felt lost while trying to build a couch, just imagine the long night of sleepless terror whilst building your own CR-Z.

We have a confession to make. We really, utterly, absolutely love airbnb. There is nothing better than getting on a plane to Barcelona and spend a week in someone's apartment for a low price. Well, maybe there is- working in someone's office for a very low price.

Have you ever gone shopping with your dog? Did you ever look at their sad eyes when you buy yourself a new outfit and they don't even get a scarf? No more! American Eagle presents- American Beagle, the first clothing shops for your best friends.

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