PlayStation in a Shocking stunt

Do you remember the first time your parents told you to get away from electricity? If ther is one thing everybody knows, is that whatever you do, you do not play with electricity. You do not push metal things to the electrical outlet, you do not try to force defective electrical devices in them, and no matter what, you do not push your finger into electrical devices.

That, of course, unless the people from PlayStation ask you to. This is exactly what happened during a campaign took place recently by TBWA Belgium. They have placed a machine in the middle of Antwerp train station, which invited the passengers to push their fingers into a large electric outlet.

"Hold for 5 Seconds", said the sign on the machine. Sound easy, isn't it? Well, not as you would think. Whoever was brave enough to push his fingers into the holes was surprised to feel an electric shock. But if they were strong enough, physically and mentally, they were awarded with the new PS game- "inFAMOUS: second son".

Worth the effort? We're not quite sure

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