Bringing Down the King

Don't you just love HBO's Game of Thrones? The drama, the intrigues, the gallant knights, the beautiful princess and the tons of explicit sex and violence poured to your screen with no tenderness.

Oh, yes, we love Game of Thrones. We especially love the characters. Don't you just LOVE Tyrion? He is so smart, and brave, and cunning, and tragic. Oh, and don't you just L O V E Arya? She is so sweet, and strong minded, and cute. Oh, Oh, Oh, and don't you just L-O-V-E Joffrey?

No, you don't. Nobody loves that brat. I think there was never a more hated villain in the history of television or literature. In fact, there are more people wanting Joffrey to lose his head, then there were feeling the same way about any real living tyrant in the history of mankind.

Well, the PR people of the hit show in New Zealand have decided to take advantage of this hatred in order to promote the series' 4th season, which had started this week.

To do so, they have built a statue glorifying the (literally) bastard king and placed it in the middle of a large square. Tied to the statue's neck there is a rope, connected in it's other end to a machine that tighten the rope with any tweet one of the show's fan post with the hashtag #BringDownTheKing. Enough tweets helped the fans bring the statue down, in a metaphorical revolution act.

And if bringing him down is not enough for you, you can always take some pleasure from this wonderful video.

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