Coca Cola's rainbow of freedom

After long years of Oppression and fight for freedom, 20 years ago, April 1994, the Apartheid government in South Africa gave away it's power. During the celebrations of the new democracy, Archbishop Desmond Tutu[ one of the known South African activists, referred to the country as a 'Rainbow nation', due to the vast variety of people in the country- each of them equal, with no regards to their color, religion or any other thing for all that matter. Since those days, every year the month of April is known as the month of freedom

Today, 20 years later, Coca Cola, with the people of FCB Johannesburg, has decided to celebrate the month of freedom in a special way. After a long preparation, they came up with a way to create a real Rainbow, which could accompany their billboards. The campaign came to life and succeeded to catch the attention of the customers, and the press.

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