Heineken are playing games at the Milan Design Week

In the advertising world a week is a very long time, ages even. This is why we are determined to do our best and give you the freshest stories about the newest campaigns.

Alas, sometimes we miss a thing or two when we blink, and the moment we look back we are not sure as if we really did see what we thought was blured object running through our vision.

And why do we bother you with this long intro? Because we are here to talk today about a promotion stunt that took place during the Milan Design Week, that ended more than two (!!) weeks ago.

Yet, we couldn't stand still and ignore this great production by Publicis Milan for the widely known Dutch beer brand- Heineken.

In this wonderful campaign, the PR people designed a room remotely resembling a Pinball machine. Did we say remotely? We meant exactly. We stand corrected- it was a real live Pinball game.

This is one of those times that we regret not listening to the weird guy down the road that tried to convince us to decorate his house for free, just o get our feet at the door of home designing.

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