VH1 is Bullying it's way to our Consciousness

If we would tell you we liked VH1's new anti-bullying campaign it would be a big fat lie. We didn't like it. We didn't love it, we didn't enjoy it, we didn't think it was funny, we didn't think anything good about it.

The whole idea of the commercial, showing a poor kid being bullied and planning his revenge at the kids bullying him by planning to be their boss when they are all grown up is not funny. Seeing this spot, the only conclusion is that the creative people who worked it out were never bullied. Far from it. We don't say that it is for certain, but they probably were the ones sticking a kid in his locker, too afraid to get out. If they ever were bullied, they would have known that a kid in this situation see only three options, each of them is worse than the other.

We are not saying the subject is a taboo, never to be touched. It is an important issue, which has to be dealt, but not like this. Telling the bullying kids that this "nerd" is going to be their boss one day is not very true, and will never work, for so many reasons. If you really want to make a change, there are many other ways.

But this is advertising we are talking about, not education, and I guess Saatchi & Saatchi did a good job. They did make VH1 seem relevant and up to date. They did get our attention.

We would have to disagree on this one.

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