Ikea presents: Color

Many people say that Belgium is a grey country. Hey, don't come to blame us for it, we didn't invent it or anything! Belgium is kind of grey… It has grey streets, grey buildings, grey people, grey trees, grey chocolate, grey… well, you get the hang of it.

In a new billboard campaign, DDB Brussels tried to put some color to the streets of Belgium in order to promote a small furniture and home improvement store. You might have heard about them, they're called IKEA.

Yeah, we know, IKEA hardly need promotion, but you can say that about every large brand (did anyone say Coca Cola?). In this great last campaign. IKEA spread large billboards around Belgium, which from a distance, looked like they only have one of three colors on them - red, green or yellow. When you got closer to the billboards, you could see an inlay of a product sold on the brand's stores.

There is no questioning the great impact and attention those billboards got, with their bright colors and seemingly emptiness.

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